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Memorial for Bruce and Halvene Fleming

Reginald Bruce Fleming was born at Young NSW on 7 September 1929 and died in Canberra ACT on 15 August 2016. Halvene Therese Kessey was born at Bourke NSW on 6 February 1934 and died in Bathurst NSW on 6 October 2005. They were married at Bourke on 1 March 1955. They are buried in plot 67 of row N in section 4 of the Maranatha Lawn Cemetery at Bathurst.

Follow these links to see Halvene Fleming's Obituary (as published in the Western Herald of Bourke), Memorial Card and Eulogy.

Memorial inscription for Bruce and Halvene Fleming

Grave of Bruce and Halvene Fleming

Maranatha Lawn Cemetery, Bathurst

Obituary of Bruce Fleming, as published in the Western Herald newspaper of Bourke, NSW 

Memorial card for Halvene Fleming

Obituary of Halvene Fleming, as published in the Western Herald newspaper of Bourke, NSW